Ryan had a sleepover on Friday night. How is it that three 9-year-old girls can reach the decibel level equal to that achieved in Emirates stadium when Arsenal is winning (the loudest place I think I've
ever been)? My God. On Saturday morning (as soon as the Tylenol kicked in) we headed to the park, where I encouraged (and by 'encouraged' I mean 'ordered') them to rid themselves of the energy (and the sugar, obtained by ingesting 586 marshmallows... each, toasted in the firepit Friday evening) in their sweet (and by 'sweet' I mean 'diabolical') little systems. It poured much of Friday night and into Saturday morning, so the park was damp (and by 'damp' I mean 'swamplike'). I didn't care (even though it required a complete change of clothes before lunch).

Luckily it was unseasonably warm...

They spent much time upside down... and spinning...

And looking generally windblown...

It was a pretty good time, all in all, and my sanity lived to fight another day (more or less).
Great pictures Diane, I love the rainbow.:))
I cannot believe that the girls are wearing light clothes sand sandals; it is like unbelievable to me in November.
Ryan is a beautiful girl, just like her mom.:)))
You know what? I came THIS CLOSE to naming my oldest daughter Ryan.
Those are some really lovely pictures :) I wish that the weather out here would behave in a more winterly fashion, which is to say that 93* in November (the temp yesterday) is NOT normal. Snow I can (and do) live without, but this heat is starting to make a little more than nutso. Some wind and rain would be lovely.
Oh, and YAY for Tylenol! I'm glad it worked for you, and glad that your daughter and her buddies had a lovely time :)
Z... the weather is bizarre here at the moment. It was mild earlier in the day yesterday and then got quite chilly. Today it's blustery and cold. It's why I always get a cold in the fall... my body can't keep up with the changes.
And thanks :). I think she's beautiful, too... but I believe I'm supposed to ;)
... and did you happen to notice tha blatant overuse of "lovely" in my comment? Geesh. I need a thesarus.
Ok, done filling up your comments now.
Guin... Ryan complains about her name sometimes, as she says it's a BOY'S name (what was I thinking?!). But I maintain she'll appreciate it when she's older. I like traditionally male names for girls... they're strong.
Arsenal? Oy!
Go Big Red.
Can't imagine anything louder than when Peter Schmeichel scored a goal off a header at Old Trafford.
Arsenal? Oy!
If only you could harness the energy! (Treadmills?)
I tried saving my sanity once but it took up so little space in the jam jar (and I seemed to get by so well without it anyway), I think it was accidentally thrown out. Possibly mistaken as seeds and fed to the birds.
My Ryan would have benn a Ryan boy or girl...I am not sure if he is aware of that or not. I had picked out Rhett for him and some doctor said it sounded like Rat when I said it (must be a Southern thing) so I decided he would just be a Ryan either way!
If I had more children which I will not...I like the name Riley for a boy or a girl...I named by golden retreiver Riley!!!
It is cold here in sunny Florida...62 degrees...we will have a fire tonight.
Love the rainbow...almost as pretty as the girls! I could use the energy...how come when I have sugar, I just fall into a deep sleep? :(
At least you got some wonderful pictures out of the ordeal ;)
Your daughter has your smile, very nice.
Heather's M
Oh Goddaughter, how'd you get so gorgeous? Love, Godmommy
I thought the rule was to have the sleepover at the OTHER kid's houses?
I wish I had that energy sometimes. They should find a way to transfer it to those who need it, you know? Like, I don't even need ALL of it. Just a little...
i do firmly believe that there is a direct proportion between the amount of marshamallows ingested and a happier more well-adjusted existence. (this has nothing to do with the parents of those ingesting mind you...)
WOW...sounds busy!! But it also sounds like they all had fun...
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