It’s all full of testosterone and man-sweat, but I like it. Before I pass it on, I’m supposed to say something nice about a man in my life and then list 6 ways in which I measure success, in life and/or as a blogger. Hmmmm…
It’s not hard for me to think of something nice to say about any of the men in my life… but because my world is filled with wonderful men, it’s hard to choose the one about whom I say it. I’m going to go with my friend Todd, though. He’s truly one of the best people I have ever known and he loves me more than I deserve (even when I act supremely unlovable). I’m so grateful to have him in my life.
The ways I measure success… hmmmm. I’m not feeling terribly successful these days, but here you go…
I feel successful...
1) ... if my daughter is healthy, happy, and doing well in general. Being a single parent is difficult and when I see signs that she is growing into the sort of person I hope she’ll be (healthy, happy, productive, caring, honest, etc), I’m encouraged and feel better about the job I’m doing.
2) ... if I’m on-track in most areas of my life and moving in the ‘right’ direction (this is where I tend to falter, much of the time, it seems).
3) ... when I get positive feedback from my work. I work at home, all alone, and do everything via email. When someone takes the time to send me a note to tell me how much they appreciate what I do, it makes me feel like it matters.
4) ... when I connect in some way with the people who read my blog; when I make someone laugh, or cry, or think about something in a new way.
5) ... if I accomplish something difficult, especially if it’s something I’ve put off because I was dreading it.
6) ... when I count my friends and the people who love me. I have the most amazing group of wonderfully insane people who support me in so many ways… I’m so lucky.
Now, I’m passing this award on to 6 bloggers – all men – whose stuff I love. Well, I love what they write (several of them are married, so I can’t love their ‘stuff’ without making their wives mad, and I don’t need that). Visit their blogs if you don’t already… you won’t be disappointed.
Oh, and you guys don’t have to do the whole rule/pass-on thing if you don’t want… just take the award with my bloggy love and know I think you totally measure up!
Lee at A Curate’s Egg – Lee’s blog is one of the first I visit every day; he’s smart, thoughtful, irreverent, and seriously funny. He doesn’t really do awards, but he deserves so many.
J Cosmo Newberry – J Cosmo is an amazing poet, which is something I admire, as I suck at poetry. He’s brilliant and hysterical – two of my favorite qualities in a man.
Andy at Wild ARS Chase – besides being my bloggy crush, Andy is just wonderful all around (though he sucks with names… ahem).
Joshlos at it’s a bloggy blog world – Another smart, funny guy, Joshlos makes me laugh and makes me think. Plus, he likes girls with dreadlocks and I think that’s cool. Not that I have dreadlocks (or want them)… I just like men who think unconventionally.
Stevyn at The Unbearable Oddness of Stevyn – I do love my Englishmen… and when they’re fantastic writers, well, all the better.
And finally, Henry at The Dog Diaries… Henry really is a dog (a miniature schnauzer, to be specific) and though I suspect it’s his mum who helps him actually type, I’m always a bit taken aback by how, when I read his posts, I’m completely sucked into his little doggie world (sort of like how when you see a ventriloquist with his dummy, you unconsciously suspend your disbelief and start to think the dummy’s actually acting independently… not that I’m saying you’re a dummy, Henry, ‘cause I’m so not!).
And that’s all I’ve got to say. For now.
Hi, Diane. Happy Monday! Thanks for sharing links to some of your bloggy friends! Love the Dog one. Reminds me of my friends in London with the "Mum" and all.
But really, you gotta stop with all your awards. It's really making the rest of us feel like we might NEVER measure up. ;)
Great job.
Neat award... it's different. Very macho. I'll have to check out some of those guys. I already read Andy and J Cosmo, but my blog reading is serverly lacking in the male category.
Anyway, on to the letter game. How about P? Does that work for you? It better because I'm not giving you another one! :) I know you can be creative.
LMN... Happy Monday to you, too! I have lots of friends in London, too... and they all have mums ;). RE the awards, thanks :) I tend to get them from many of the same people (who obviously love me more than they like to admit ;).
Heather... there are LOADS of fabulous guys out there! Don't forget Heinous... he's never on my lists only because he gives me awards before I can give them to him, but he's W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L. (Clearly I love him more than I like to admit ;). Anyway, P, huh? Well, let me see what I can do...
Great list, Diane! You always manage to make me think or laugh with your blog. It would seem you're doing a great job with the rest of your list too.
You're making me blush (in a manly way, of course) in your comments.
Stop calling me insane!
And, just to show I'm supportively insane: Congratulations!
Thanks for the award, DonnaDiane. :) No, seriously, I do appreciate it. You're way too kind.
Congrates for the award! It's nice when we're inside a circle of inspiring people..
I am honoured. Thank you.
And, while I don't usually get involved with passing on awards, I will certainly do the attendant tasks when I get home tonight.
Thank you very much. You are most generous with your awards and your praise. I enjoy what I do, that is a sure sign of success. As you know, I really only post poems on my blog so I will set the quill a-quiver and attempt to meet your criteria in verse.
What a cool award Diane! Congratulations, you deserve it so.:)))
And think that you know so many men, I mean just here on the blog.;) And even more in reality; lucky you.;)))
I like your list as well, I like the way you think and I like the positive feel in the words; you are a very accomplished lady, if I may say so.;))))
Congratulations ma'am.
I would say I'll give these blogs a look-see but I'm running on short time as is. I promise to do so when I get a moment again.
Congratulations gents!
Gosh. Blush. Fluster. Typical British male response really. Blimey. Crikey. I'm not worthy ... don't deserve ... er ...
Thank you so much. I shall treasure it. x
Totally manly award. :oP
I wonder how many inches on that tape measure. Never mind.
Thanks for the tips on manblogs to visit!
And Diane? You DO do good work. I love your writing!
You are most deserving of this award. I love reading your blog and your misadventures!
Thanks for pointing out some cool "men" bloggers. I was already aware of J. Cosmo Newbery (a genius blog, I think. His restraint is admirable!) but I'm going to check out the others (although I need new blogs to read like I need a hole in the head!)
How cool, I'm heading out after these men (can I say that?) I've been looking for some men (can I say that). I think there are too few out there (can I say that?) and I don't have enough (can I say that?)
Ah crap...you know what I mean....
Oh snap, I got to the party late! It's because I was busy fixing cars, chopping down trees, and lifting weights. You know: manly stuff. I totally smell like sweat and sawdust. Okay, not really. Thank you, Diane! You're way too kind!
Aw, thanks, hon.
Diane, congrats on the award and thanks for sending it to me. However, must put you straight on one or two things. Mum doesn't help me, she can't write for toffee and I'm a faster typer than her. I can type even with my eyes closed. Honest. It's amazing what us dogs get up to when their owners aren't looking. We only act dumb so that we don't have to work for a living;)
What? You like public speaking? How is that possible? ahh
I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise?
Dear Diane,
I don't generally tag people in memes. However, I finally found a meme I'm willing to jump in on and perpetuate. That said, I've tagged you to keep it moving. It's fun; I promise.
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