We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you an announcement from the Emotional Broadcast System…
Life and all its crap has gotten in the way of regular blog programming. Regular programming will resume when Life and all its crap pisses off.
Have a nice day.
allllrighty then.
I actually feel the same way... but I'm too easily distracted.
Really someone else is having crap happen during this happy season! Not sure if I'm glad not to be alone or sad that someone else is feeling the crap :-(
I hope you get it all worked out soon!
Hang in there. To quote my dear Mum "This too will pass". Doesn't always feel like it though.
Did Sundance write your comment, uh, comment?
I don't know what you're talking about. You have nothing going on in your life. That's crazy. Or wait, maybe you're crazy. No, no! I know. You've decided to get a pretty boy for yourself and run off with him. It better not be MY pretty boy! I mean it! I'll cut a beyotch!
Love ya! Mean it! Mwah!
Is it because of the 'C' word? Mum says emotional stuff can get messy around this time of year. When mum's feeling pissed off she gives me a cuddle and takes me for a long walk. Hope you're feeling better soon xxx
Even though I know this means you do not feel good at all, I can not help but chuckle at the way you composed this post; it shows you do retain your wonderful sense of humor despite the pain in your heart.
I sincerely hope you will feel better soon Diane.;)
I hope things pick up for you
@#$%! Hope life returns to the good stuff soon!
I think there's a bad case of LIFE going around.
I am sorry...it is sucking right now...I do love the quote from Gilda...we lost her much too soon!
Piss off crap...we need more addled ramblings!
How is it that you still manage to be hilarious, even when you're pissy and having a horrible day??
I hope it gets better soon. If not, say screw it and move down here with me and Toby. I swear we'll keep life interesting.
I hope you can sort everything out that needs sorting out.... I've been putting blogging on hold this week, too, but not cold turkey.
Sorry you're feeling so down. The stress of the holidays doesn't help, I'm sure. Hope you find some solace soon.
I hope life gets better!
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. (Charles Schulz)
Oh no, you can't deprive me of a post. I call foul.
I hope all is well soon. Take care.
I have my fingers on my temples, using them as antennae to broadcast positive thoughts for you (actually, I'm going to do this AFTER I stop typing).
Diane is it christmas crap thats doing it? I tell you , people go crazy this time of year.
Is it people walking their dogs with a plastic bag but ... Not using it???
.......this has been a test of the emergency emotional broadcast system. had this been a real emergency, this sound would have been followed by an announcement.....
hope it all turns around right quick.
I appreciate you and all you do.
Just thought you needed to hear that from someone. :)
Hopefully your problems will be temporary - I'm sure you're making as many people laugh offline as you do when you're online though!
May the crap pass ;) and leave you in peace...
My love to you my friend,
Whatever's in your way,
Your Bigger than it...
Hope everything is ok, and I may totally be stealing this, it is the PERFECT PSA!!!!!
I hope this isn't serious. Do you need blogger intervention? I can do that. Really. Ask me anything.
Hey, that's my line. I am hating the world right with ya!
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