Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows I’m opinionated. I can’t help it. I was raised by opinionated people; people who had/have no trouble voicing their opinions (even if they’re based in crap and propaganda). I’ve learned over the years, though, that if I’m going to say what I think, I really need to have my ducks in a row. I’ve learned to keep my big mouth shut if I don’t know what I’m talking about… or if I’m not willing to walk the walk. I’m also learning that it’s really not necessary to spout off every time I disagree with someone; that sometimes it’s enough just to know I’m comfortable with what’s in my own head and heart.
But sometimes… sometimes I have to say what I think. Sometimes people disagree, which is fine. Sometimes they’re nasty about it, which is not so fine (remember our dear Former Reader? He still sends me emails, which I don’t even bother opening, of course, as he’s probably still singing Rush Limbaugh’s praises).
Today is one of those times when I’m going to say what I think.
I’m sure everyone (in the US, anyway) has heard about, if not followed, the stories of SC Governor, Mark Sanford and Nevada Senator, John Ensign. They’ve been all over the news lately. Both conservative, Republican, Christian politicians, they are known for their strong stances on ‘Christian and family values’ and ‘traditional marriage’.
They are also both known for having extra-marital affairs while in office and, in Sanford’s case, for going AWOL to visit his mistress out of the country, while on state time, without divulging his whereabouts to his family or constituents, and using state funds.
OK, we all know I have deep personal issues and biases regarding infidelity. I think it’s wrong on so many levels. But it happens. People cheat on their spouses. Sanford and Ensign are certainly not the first or only politicians to do it. When Bill Clinton finally admitted to his sordid little fling with Monica Lewinski, Sanford was one of the Republicans clamoring for his impeachment. I was disgusted by Clinton’s behavior – the affair and the lying about it. It changed the way I saw him as a man and as the President. But did I think he should have been impeached? No. Do I think Sanford should be impeached? No.
But do I think he should step down as Governor as SC? Yes. And here’s why.
Sanford introduced himself as an officer of the Morality Police when Clinton’s affair was made public. Both men, in fact, have flashed their badges on numerous occasions. And I completely believe that if you are going to take the moral high road, you damn well have to follow the traffic laws. You can’t just talk the talk; you can’t judge others or claim to represent a moral position if you’re not willing to live that position.
Mark Sanford and John Ensign took the moral high road and then they sped off in their little red mid-life crisis sports cars, screaming ‘fuck you’ at the law.
And that’s not right.
I think they need to practice what they preach. I think they need to stop being ‘do as I say, not as I do’ leaders. I think they need to stop thinking they know what’s best for the rest of us and sort out their own damned lives. They are absolute crap examples of strong 'Christian and family values' and 'traditional marriage'. They are perfect examples, however, of the hypocritical, immoral, lying, judgmental, critical, reprehensible people running our government. And before anyone thinks I’m attacking the Republicans, I’m not. While they happen to be the focus of this particular bit of smarm, I’m fully aware that dishonesty and hypocrisy in government is not solely a Republican issue… it’s rampant in both parties.
I don’t expect politicians to be perfect. I know they’re human. I know they will make mistakes – sometimes big ones – just like I do. But for all my screw ups; for all my shortcomings and flaws, I try hard not to be a hypocrite. Maybe that’s my high road. I know I’m willing to overlook and forgive a lot… but not this… not such blatant hypocrisy. I am so damned sick of the Morality Police – the 'new and improved' branch of the Moral Majority – telling the rest of us how we should live and acting like their shit doesn’t stink. It does stink. It stinks big. We know it because time after time, we get their shit thrown on us and we have to shovel out from under it. Well, I'm getting friggin' tired of shoveling. How about the rest of you?
Whew. I feel better. I needed to get that out. And hey, dear Former Reader? Yeah, you. Shut up, OK? I don’t want or need you spouting moral shite from your little red sports car.
And if we don't stand up as you just have and fling it back at 'em, we get what we deserve for our silence.
Well said :)
You go girl...exactly my sentiments.
I don't follow politics or watch the news. I'd like to blame my whole generation for my boredom in all of it...but really it's just me. No excuses, it's just not interesting - however, you've worded this very well and I completely agree.
Well said- I'm tired of smelling their crap too while they try to pretend it's roses that we're smelling! Who do they think they're fooling?
What goes around, comes around. It has come back to bite them in their stinky butts! it's always just a matter of time.
I love you.
Right from the first line to the last line.
Absolutely love you!
Hip. . Hip. . .Hurray!!!!
there's that integrity thing again. i believe in letting my life speak louder than my words. it's harder but sooo much more effective.
you can forward former reader's emails to me...i'll let girl1 answer them. it would be EPIC!!!!
You are feisty and truthful and I LOVE it!! I agree with you 1000%
The frightening thing is, they're both now saying all kinds of nonsensical rubbish about not having to act right because they're obviously on the right side.
I feel the same way. I was talking about this with the husband the other day and said that anyone in a public office needs to realize they are held to a higher standard in most cases. So when a politician/leader has diarrhea of the mouth against anyone and everyone, they need to step down when it comes out they were doing the same naughty things.
I'm a Republican and fairly conservative on things and it makes me angry that we have people like this representing our party.
I'm with you on this one ... well, I'm with you on all your rants. I really don't expect politicians to be perfect but when they judge and criticize others and then do the same thing, it is just so much worse!!!!
Yeah, I'm with you on this. I was actually talking about this with somebody at work, saying that they SHOULD NOT be impeached. But I do agree that they should step down for the very reasons you outlined so nicely in your post.
I think politicians should be judged by their effectiveness in office; for representing their constituents and their political ideals. I don't think their private life is grounds for dismissal. I do, however, think they should be measured by the same yardstick that they use to measure others.
No argument here.
Remember that old bumper sticker saying: The Moral Majority is Neither?
I always loved that one.
Diane, I just wish you'd come out and say what you think, no hemming around!
Well said. I agree with you 100% ---I must admit, I get a little kick out of it when the "holier than thou" types get shit on their halos. As you say, it happens in both parties. Representative Mark Foley (Catholic & Republican) who was known as a crusader against child abuse & exploitation, resigned following a scandal involving teenage male Congressional pages. His replacement, Tim Mahoney (United Methodist & Democrat) ran on a platform of restoring morals to Washington. What did he do? He had a two-year affair with a former staff worker. Just about the time that hit the news, it was discovered that he had been cheating on that mistress with a second mistress. And I am super angry at John Edwards, not only for running for president when he had to know his affair could/would be discovered, but for cheating on his wife while she was undergoing cancer treatment. And then there was Newt Gingrich who told his wife he was divorcing her while she was in the hospital for cancer treatment. What a bunch of jerks. I don't understand why people are so convinced that religious people are more moral than non-religious. I see no difference, and sometimes wonder if some make a big show of piety just to hide what they are really up to. Does Ted Haggard come to mind?
You betta preach my sista!!!
I'm on your side 1000% percent,
This moral arrogance needs to stop now, and by now I mean 100 years ago,
Lotsa love, M
I admire your passion in this matter. I wish all the politicians had the standards and conviction that you posses.
Bang on. It is the hypocrisy that is worst of all. Well, hypocrisy and spin I suppose.
What you said. 100%
could not be more in agreement! Whatever your talk..walk it!!!!!!!
I'm with you more than 100% on this - Those who take the moral high ground are often the biggest hypocrites - Pride comes before a fall and all that - And yes, I don't expect people to be perfect and never to err, but for sheer hypocrisy this lot (and ours!) take the biscuit, Diane!
Sod Mr Red Sports Car! We're behind you and beside you, Diane - All the way... xxx
Well, you know how I feel about hypocrisy, so I won't say any more.
"I was raised by opinionated people; people who had/have no trouble voicing their opinions (even if they’re based in crap and propaganda)."---How very objective of you, Diane. I love it! :p
And yes...wouldn't accountability on behalf of our leaders and politicians be a fantastic component to have in government?
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