formerly Diane's Addled Ramblings... the ramblings are still addled, just like before, and the URL is still the same...
it's just the title at the top of the page that's new

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dear Jon and Kate... Shut Up!

Seriously. Until just recently, I didn't know who you were. I'd never heard of your show (not that I would have watched it anyway, given my self-imposed ban on any show loosely based on 'reality'... I have enough of my own 'reality', thank you very much, and I certainly don't need yours). Anyway, though I didn't know (or care) who you were, I've had to learn. Every time I log into my computer; every time I go to the grocery store; every time I turn around, I am bombarded by your faces... and your words... and your divorce.

OK, I understand that you weren't smart enough to realize that inviting the entire world (or at least those people with nothing better to do than tune into your lives every week) into your home was going to cause marital strife. I guess you never heard of Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, eh? Or Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro? Britney Spears and K-Fed? Yadda yadda. I know, I know, we all think, 'It'll never happen to us!' Then it does. But here's the deal, Jon and Kate. You need to wise up and shut up already. You need to stop airing your dirty laundry. You need to stop acting like complete and total asses in front of The. Entire. World.

Do you not understand that you are preserving the hate and venom you're spewing at each other For. Friggin'. Ever? Your kids (and their friends), very soon (much sooner than you'd like, I'm sure), are going to be able to Google you and witness firsthand the nasty, disrespectful way you've managed your family and each other. And you know what? It will make them feel like crap. It will make them lose respect for you. IT WILL HURT THEM. Can you not see that?!

So shut up. For your kids' sake. For your own sake. For OUR sake. Shut up. Go away. Deal with your issues in private - not on television, not in interviews, not with book deals, and not at paparazzi-oozing Las Vegas parties. Please!

Thank you.




Anonymous said...

LOL..You speak for me as well. I truly need them to just get off the air forever. I feel so bad for their children. Seriously.

me said...

yep with ya...dont do the reality thing...... people act like its "real" its sotryboarded with ten people in suits ...writing the whole season before its shot.....people think they just walk around with cameras and what happens happens.....yeah....... its hollywood..ya big goofs...

sherri said...

You need to send this to them. Seriously.

blognut said...

Holy Crap! You totally wrote this from my side of the brain, didn't you?

I swear I just had this conversation with someone recently, but maybe it was all in my head... with you... on the other half of my brain.

I HATE what they are doing to their kids. And I HATE that people are eating this stuff up in the media. GET A LIFE!

I love it when we think alike... which is almost constantly... XOXOXO

Everyday Goddess said...

Those people are insane. I could elaborate, but you have got it all!

Jenera said...

Amen sista! In a few years they will look back on this with shame. Especially once their kids turn on them.

Anonymous said...

Applause!! Bravo!! My feelings exactly...Do they not care that their kids are going to see ALL of this??

Melanie Gillispie said...

They're getting divorced and I wasn't even in their wedding! How'd that happen??

That's one reality show I never watched. I mean, there are tons of others too, but you know my rule for watching an hour of reality. I learned a lot of stuff about Greek Gods last weekend to make up for watching Big Brother.

SSP said...

no KIDDING...I don't have cable and if it wasn't for People and the other grocery store rags, I wouldn't be able to pick them out from a crowd...but seriously...WHO CARES??? why do we make normal people into celebrities. who the HELL is Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian and why should I care...cuz I don' case you wondered....

Sam_I_am said...

*gasp* but then they might have to... work. Apparently, being an ass is a good paying job. What is our country coming to?

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

Thank you. I avoid "reality" TV whenever possible and have never watched Jon and Kate, and I am sick of hearing about them. You said it much better than I ever could!

Chris said...

I think that all pseudo-reality TV "stars" should literally be banished to a deserted island and play Survivor for real. Last one alive gets to come back to society.

Now THAT'S a show I'd watch.

dianne said...

Diane my dear friend, I'm sorry I haven't been over as much as I should have...I've missed a few posts it seems, I have been a little too preoccupied with my own problems...
I was just reading your very interesting Grrrrrrrrowl post of September 3, I agree with what you say about holding out for that special person, someone who totally gets the essence of who you are, who will love you beyond all reason...I am right there with you on all of the points you have made, you deserve it and I think it is worth waiting for.
I have been waiting a long time and I could have a relationship just to be in one as well...if I just wanted sex I could get that too..very easily...gosh I've been asked out many times but there has to be some kind of connection there or some attraction and so far apart from two impossible and doomed liasions no-one has come close... I want something more.
A younger man whom I see around quite a bit asked me out for coffee last week, yes it is an ego boost, he was under the impression that I was younger than I am, I declined the coffee with him when I pointed out the difference in our ages, about 10years but we still had a nice conversation and a few laughs over the confusion, again he held no attraction for me and I won't encourage anyone just to give them false hope.
Good luck with your resolve...I do hope we both find that someone special...and soon. :-) xo ♥

Debbie said...

never watched the show..have only seen the aftermath! BUT the kids..that seems to be what is forgotten! The legacy they are leaving their kids! great post!!

Zuzana said...

Ha, I have never seen the show, but I guess it is no good.;)) Hehe.:P
Hope your weekend is great dear friend.;)

Maithri said...

I really need to watch more television/read news/get out more etc.. lol cos i have no idea who these people are...

Is that pathetic or what?

But from everything you've written... I completely vicariously agree... lol!

And I absolutely LOVE this new way of splitting up a sentence into its composite parts for effect...

its. composite. parts.

(I know im a nerd) but I LOVE IT!

Much love to you Beautiful lady, M

hebba said...

I agree wholeheartedly. I watched the show once, because I was over a friend's house and it was "her favorite show". I never understood what the appeal was when they were together. I remember looking at my friend at the end of the show and saying "and why should I care about what these people do?"

Now I care even less.

Amy McMean said...

so true.

hooray said...

AMEN! You are so right on! They DO need to just shut up already!

Connie said...

AAgggg! If I have to see anymore of those tabliods with them on the cover I am going to poke my eyes out.

Anonymous said...

Well said Diane! Celebrity couples = Yuch!!!

Jenners said...

I second this emotion.

Sometimes Sophia said...

Well said. I don't know much about this couple, but what they are doing is horrible... especially for their kids. And the media... ugh!! Don't get me going. I'm still reeling from Anna Nicole Smith and Michael Jackson. Just give it a rest, Mary Hart, okay?