formerly Diane's Addled Ramblings... the ramblings are still addled, just like before, and the URL is still the same...
it's just the title at the top of the page that's new

Monday, September 7, 2009

Dear President Obama...

I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry. I’m more ashamed of many of my fellow Americans right now than I have ever been in my life. I’m beyond disgusted. I’m absolutely horrified that such a significant number of the people with whom I share my citizenship (at least half of my citizenship) are complete and utter morons.

I’m so glad you haven’t canceled your speech to our children tomorrow. More than that, though, I’m sorry you felt the need to release the text beforehand, to assure the general public that you won’t be brainwashing or “indoctrinating” our children in the ways of socialism. I’m sorry that more people in this country don’t have enough common sense to realize you won’t be attempting to hypnotize every school-aged child in America in order to coerce them into convincing their parents that your healthcare reform plan is the right way to go. I’m sorry about all those parents who won’t allow their children to hear your speech about working hard, staying in school, and doing their best.

I’m sorry. I’m ashamed. I’m disgusted. I’m horrified. I’m just SO sorry.



And for the record, in case anyone wonders... for as much as I despised W; for as much as I didn't trust the man (as far as I could throw him); for as much as I hated nearly everything on his agenda from the time he took office 'til the time he left; for as much as I would have sooner run him over with my car than look at him... had he chosen to give a speech to our kids, I wouldn't have thought twice about letting my child hear it. Because I know that even someone as colossally stupid, dishonest, and devious as that man wouldn't have tried to forward a political agenda via every school child in the country. I just think it's too bad that some conservatives (and I know it's not all of them), no matter how they feel about Obama, couldn't demonstrate the same level of common sense.


Anonymous said...

Despite the overdramatic words, I have to agree with the sentiment - that many people are morons. Oh yeah, and quite pathetic that so much stink was made over this speech.

Diane said...

What words were over-dramatic? Horrified? Disgusted? Ashamed? They weren't even strong enough. I used the f-word once or twice in the draft... but I revised... and believe me, even THAT wouldn't have been over-dramatic!

blognut said...

Did I tell you that I love you today? 'Cause, honestly, I was thinking all of this, and I couldn't have said half as well as you did.

Thanks, darlin'.

Sherri Murphy said...

This is still one I can't figure out.

Did we miss something? Were the teachers being asked to serve Kool-Aid during the speech?

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

As a Canadian I can only say that we find the behaviors of some of your citizens bizarre, ignorant and downright frightening. What is going on? This must have racist undertones.

I've have seen some of the rantings against Obama from the groups against his health care initiatives - and the mentality seems medieval, selfish, and so short-sighted.

As your neighbors, we hope sanity somehow prevails.

hebba said...

I agree so wholeheartedly. I think the ultimate irony is that those who are opposed to this speech, thinking that he is going to "brainwash" school children are the actual zombies, spewing out the right-wing kool-aid without so much as a shred of evidence to back up their beliefs.

Oh dear God, please let common sense become more "common".

Chris said...

Bra-fucking-vo! As an educator, I'm extremely disgusted by having to give parents the choice of "opting out" of listening to the President of the United States.

And regarding W, it would've been GREAT if he'd addressed students directly. Would've made a great grammar lesson: "Kids, see if you can find the twelve errors in that last paragraph."

~j said...

i agree -- i can't figure out what the fuss is about.

Melanie Gillispie said...

Well, you know how I feel. Pretty much the same way you do, word for word. Including the eff words that you left out of the final draft.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

What? There's been a fuss about the president speaking to the school children?

Next thing you know, you'll be telling me that Michael Jackson died or something. . .

SSP said...

i think you nailed the dramatic points dead on...and yes, it is rather embarrassing to the rest of the world that our leader has to get pre-approval before he speaks to our has really gone beyond ridiculous at this point!

Zuzana said...

Aw, I am not completely familiar with this speech or why he apologized before giving it and I am a bit removed from the US politics (or any politics) right now, so excuse my ignorance.
But I love your passion in this post.;))

Pauline said...

Every US citizen should be encouraged to read The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. Today's events wouldn't be so difficult to understand then. I echo your sentiments here. Too many Americans ARE brainwashed already; it is appalling to think how much worse things could get before they get better.

Kati said...

I have to agree that I would have loved to hear my daughter come home and mock W's grammer in a speech - but on a serious note b/c I disagree w/ the whole notion of who W is I would have used it as an opportunity to endocdronate (sp?) Anna more into my leftish crazy lets make the world a better place kind of thinking!

mo.stoneskin said...

I suppose you could renounce your citizenship, why don't you become a Brit? Not only is the beer better but socialism is on the way out.

Sometimes Sophia said...

Bravo, Diane!! Our President deserves to be heard. Listen to him and then disagree, if you must. BUT AT LEAST LISTEN!! What a disservice these parents are doing their kids. A real shame.

me said...

yeah.....dont listen to the preseident...fantastic message....morons is a bit generous.....

Everyday Goddess said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you!

Soda and Candy said...

Oh man, exactly. My blood is boiling over this one.

I heard the speech will be available on the internet afterwards. If I was one of these "concerned" parents I'd watch the speech myself asap and then sit down with my kid to give them my point of view on it.

You know, it's called parenting?

~j said...

i just listened to the speech backwards....have decided to become a democrat.......

Heather said...

I second your apology. T. came home with a permission slip to watching the speech. I about DIED!!!! Come on REPUBLICANS- a little afraid he's gonna be passing out the democratic Kool-Aid or something?

zipbagofbones said...

He is definitely being singled out here, possibly because he never produced a portion of his placenta in order prove he was actually born, possibly because he's really a robot who plans to build a mecca out of Oreos. Bush and Bush Jr addressed school children this way, as did Reagan. It's a slippery slope when we start indoctrinating kids into the "don't respect the presidential office" camp. Dangerous, indeed.

Jenera said...

I'm a right winger and I didn't drink the righty kool aid. Who cares if Obama is talking to our kids? Seems to me back when I was a kid we saw the president in school. Shoot, Clinton actually WENT to my brother's school down in California. It's good for the kids to know who's who.

Rosaria Williams said...

He is the President! How can anyone object?

Sherri Murphy said...

I listened to the I know what all the fuss was about.

He IS trying to brainwash young minds. He was filling them with thoughts like "Stay in school- don't give up-education is important- you can be anything you choose to be".

These are clearly socialist left wing ideas that we DO NOT want our children hearing. I for one am glad my kids are already grown so those harmful words can't influence them.

Admit that you were wrong Diane- just admit it. Obama is trying to brainwash the children. They have it on tape.

Ronda's Rants said...

I feel the has got so bad I no longer want to attend church!
I hate them most for that...that they have tried to steal my faith and church!
PS> You must be pleased over Joe Wilson's response to President Obama's speech to congress!
My son said it best..."Why didn't the idiot just stand up and throw his shoe!" :)

hooray said...

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Our students didn't come until Wednesday, but guess what we did in my class yesterday and today???

Yep. We watched the video yesterday, and today we annotated the transcript of the speech!